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  • IDX Plus
Explorer 17-23 (IDX-Plus) IDXP 11001
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Explorer 17-23 by IDX Plus are standard explorer used for opretive For furcation’s, restorations, exploring and caries of pockets and diagnosing calculus.
Explorer 5-8 (IDX-Plus) IDXP 11004
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Ø13.5mm Ergonomic dental handle.
Furcation Probe (IDX-Plus) IDXP 11005
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The presence of neighboring teeth and gingiva often prevent accurate probing and assessment of furcation area with the help of a standard periodontal probe. The furcation probe from IDX Plus furcation lesions- For probing different angles for furcation lesions, in both lower and upper jaw region
Nabers Probe (IDX-Plus) IDXP 11006
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Nabers Probe by IDX Plus is a periodontal tool used in the diagnosis of bone support in furcation areas of trifurcate and bifurcate teeth. They are also used in assessment of attachment levels, gingival bleeding, periodontal pocket depths and anatomy configurations.
Expros 23- Probe CP 2 (ball-end) (IDX-Plus) IDXP 11008
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ExPros 23-CP2 from IDX Plus is a combination instrument that is double-ended, ball-ended and combines Explorer 23 and CP-2 Probe in one instrument. Explorer 23 is used for detecting tooth decay at tooth enamel. It is commonly used in dental armamentarium. Dental explorers detect the pinhole areas of tooth where cavity can form and also picks up debris in between teeth and gum. Whereas, CP-2 gives a better assessment of gingival pocket depth by increasing tactile sensitivity. It does not damage the surrounding tissue.
Expros 8- WHO Probe CP (ball-end) (IDX-Plus) IDXP 11010
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ExPros 8-CP WHO from IDX Plus is a combination instrument that is double-ended, ball-ended and combines Explorer 8 and CP-WHO Probe in one instrument Explorer 8 is used in detection of periodontal pockets that are not deeper than third dental root. It offers high precision to a dentist while working. CP WHO probe is used for assessment, Ball-end probe gives a clearer picture of the gingival pocket depth and increases tactile sensitivity. Ball-ended periodontal probe WHO by InstruDents X is immaculately designed to reduce injuries while measuring periodontal pocket depths.
Explorer 8- Probe CP 2 (ball-end) IDXP 11012
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A combination of Explorer & Periodontal Probe
Mini Spatula (IDX Plus) IDXP 12018
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Ø13.5mm Ergonomic dental handle.
Round Excavator 1.5mm (IDX Plus) IDXP 12001
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Round Excavator 1.5mm (63-64) from InstruDents X is used in the removal of decay and debris from cavities. It is also used for removing temporary filling and for carious dentin. It has a round working edge.
Burnisher & Plugger 1.5-2.5mm (IDX Plus) IDXP 12010
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Ball-ended and the extremely smooth tips
Cord Packer 2.0 mm (IDX Plus) IDXP 12015
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Cord packer 2.0 mm by IDX Plus is used in filling procedure to pack retraction cord inside the gingival pocket. The instrument has bent blade that enables dentists to get around the tooth and pack the cord with help of vertical motions.
Plastic Instrument (Anterior) IDX Plus IDXP 12021
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Plastic Instrument – anterior by IDX Plus is a filling instrument that is used for contouring and placing composite resins easily with the help of its non-stick coating. The surface of tip allows for smooth application and modeling of the composite during restorative procedures.
Gracey 3-4 IDXP 13013
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For removing deep subgingival calculus from anteriors
Round Excavator 2.0mm IDXP 12002
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Round Excavator 2.0 mm by InstruDents X in used in surgery for removal of granulation tissue after extraction and also for severing periodontal ligament before extraction. It is also used in cariology for removing temporary fillings and soft, carious dentin
Action Excavator 2.0mm IDXP 12007
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Action excavator 2.0 mm by InstruDents X is used for outer cavity margin’s horizontal filling. It is used in surgery for removing granulation tissue in flap operations, apical resections and extractions. It is used in cariology for undermining enamel in tissue-saving procedures and removal of carious dentin
Burnisher IDXP 12013
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InstruDents X Burnishers are the perfect, advanced instruments to improve the overall dental restoration.
Plastic Instrument - Posterior IDXP 12017
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Plastic Instrument- posterior by InstruDents X is a filling instrument used in packing, placing and contouring composite. The smooth working tip of the instrument allows dentists for modeling and non-stick application of composite.
Nystrom I IDXP 12019
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Nyström I by InstruDents X is a dental carver that is used for composites during dental restoration procedure.
Form Condensor IDXP 12022
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Form condenser by IDX Plus is a manual filling instrument that is used for packing an unset or plastic material into a tooth’s cavity. It is usually used in the packing and shaping of large filling surfaces.